Pluggable Auth ServiceΒΆ

MorpFW provides a built-in user, group & apikey management module and we called it the Pluggable Auth Service (PAS). PAS by default uses SQLAlchemy backend, but it is possible to override the storage engine used for it. Auth token is handled through JWT.

PAS provides several key API endpoints such as registration, login, logout, user management, group management, and api key management.

To enable PAS, your application have to be a subclass of morpfw.SQLApp. App.hook_auth_models() method should then be called to register PAS related views.

import morpfw
from morpfw.authz.pas import DefaultAuthzPolicy

class App(morpfw.SQLApp, DefaultAuthzPolicy):


Afterwards, load the PAS authentication policy in your application

   morpfw.authn.policy: morpfw.authn.pas.policy:DefaultAuthnPolicy