State Machine

Resources can be registered with a state machine to manage its states. MorpFW uses PyTransitions as its default state machine engine and provides the REST API to transition the states of resources.

class morpfw.interfaces.IStateMachine
abstract get_triggers() List

Returns list of available triggers

abstract property readonly_states: List

List of readonly states

abstract property state: Optional[str]

Current resource state

abstract property states: List

List of pytransitions states

abstract property transitions: List

List of pytransitions transitions

Registering State Machine Provider

To register a state machine provider for your resource model, simply register based on following example:

import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass
import morpfw
from .app import App
from .model import PageModel

class PageStateMachine(morpfw.StateMachine):

    states = ['new', 'pending', 'approved']
    transitions = [
        {'trigger': 'approve', 'source': [
            'new', 'pending'], 'dest': 'approved'},
        {'trigger': 'submit', 'source': 'new', 'dest': 'pending'}

def get_pagemodel_statemachine(context):
    return PageStateMachine(context)