Type System Python API

To manipulate resource types, we provide a simple mechanism to interact with the collection and model.

Lets take for example, the following resource type definition:

import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

import morpfw
import morpfw.sql
import sqlalchemy as sa
from morpfw.authz.pas import DefaultAuthzPolicy
from morpfw.crud import permission as crudperm
from morpfw.permission import All

class AppRoot(object):
    def __init__(self, request):
        self.request = request

class App(DefaultAuthzPolicy, morpfw.SQLApp):

@App.path(model=AppRoot, path="/")
def get_approot(request):
    return AppRoot(request)

@App.permission_rule(model=AppRoot, permission=All)
def allow_all(identity, context, permission):
    """ Default permission rule, allow all """
    return True

def index(context, request):
    return {"message": "Hello World"}

class PageSchema(morpfw.Schema):

    body: typing.Optional[str] = field(default=None, metadata={"title": "Body"})
    value: typing.Optional[int] = field(default=0, metadata={"title": "Value"})

class PageCollection(morpfw.Collection):
    schema = PageSchema

class PageModel(morpfw.Model):
    schema = PageSchema

    blob_fields = ['attachment']

# SQLALchemy model
class Page(morpfw.sql.Base):

    __tablename__ = "test_page"

    body = sa.Column(sa.Text())
    value = sa.Collection(sa.Integer())

class PageStorage(morpfw.SQLStorage):
    model = PageModel
    orm_model = Page

def get_storage(model, request, blobstorage):
    return PageStorage(request, blobstorage=blobstorage)

@App.path(model=PageCollection, path="/pages")
def get_collection(request):
    storage = request.app.get_storage(PageModel, request)
    return PageCollection(request, storage)

@App.path(model=PageModel, path="/pages/{identifier}")
def get_model(request, identifier):
    col = get_collection(request)
    return col.get(identifier)

class PageStateMachine(morpfw.StateMachine):

    states = ["new", "pending", "approved"]
    transitions = [
        {"trigger": "approve", "source": ["new", "pending"], "dest": "approved"},
        {"trigger": "submit", "source": "new", "dest": "pending"},

def get_pagemodel_statemachine(context):
    return PageStateMachine(context)

@App.permission_rule(model=PageCollection, permission=All)
def allow_collection_all(identity, context, permission):
    """ Default permission rule, allow all """
    return True

@App.permission_rule(model=PageModel, permission=All)
def allow_model_all(identity, context, permission):
    """ Default permission rule, allow all """
    return True

@App.typeinfo(name="test.page", schema=PageSchema)
def get_typeinfo(request):
    return {
        "title": "Test Page",
        "description": "",
        "schema": PageSchema,
        "collection": PageCollection,
        "collection_factory": get_collection,
        "model": PageModel,
        "model_factory": get_model,

Collection API

Getting collection object

All resource types are registered in a central registry using typeinfo directive. This allows you to query for collection by name, and use it in your program.

col = request.get_collection('test.page')

Creating records

Records can be created through create method on collections.

page1 = col.create({'body': 'Hello world', 'value': 123})

create method by default expect a dictionary with JSON serialized values, which mean, date and time would need to be passed to the method as Avro style date or time integers. (unix timestamp in miliseconds for datetime, number of days from epoch for date)

If you already deserialized the values beforehand, and your date and time are date or datetime objects. You will need to pass deserialize=False to the method.

page1 = col.create({'body': 'Hello world', 'value': 123}, deserialize=False)

By default, create method is set to insecure mode, which mean, it will allow state to be set during record creation (which ideally, you should not do this, because this should be handled by statemachine), and also will allow setting values for fields which are marked with initializable=False. If you want to force security check, add secure=True to the parameter.

Getting individual record

If you know the UUID of a specific record, you can get the record using:

page1 = col.get(record_uuid) # record_uuid is a 32 char uuid string

Searching for records

To search for records, you can use the search method. Filtering of search results is using rulez JSON boolean statements, which you can refer to rulez documentation for details.

import rulez
pages = col.search(rulez.field('value') == 123) # returns a list of Page model

Aggregation query

It is also possible to aggregate through the collection API. Aggregation is done through a group query which uses the following structure:

   "<output_field>" : {
      "function": "<aggregation_function>",
      "field": "<field_name>"
   "<output_field2>" : {
      "function": "<aggregation_function2>",
      "field": "<field_name2>"

For example:

group = {
   'hour': {
      'function': 'hourly',
      'field': 'created'
   'count': {
      'function': 'count',
      'field': 'uuid'
results = col.aggregate(group=group)

Only basic aggregation is supported through this API, primarily for the purpose for presenting data for analytics. For more complex aggregation, it is suggested that you develop that without using this aggregate API.

SQLStorage aggregate functions

Aggregate functions are storage specific, and currently, only following aggregate functions are supported for sqlstorage:

  • Dimensions

    • year

    • month

    • day

    • date

    • hourly

  • Metrics

    • count

    • sum

    • avg

    • min

    • max

ElasticsearchStorage aggregate functions

Aggregate functions are storage specific, and currently, only following aggregate functions are supported for elasticsearchstorage:

  • Dimensions

    • year

    • month

    • day

    • date

    • interval_1m

    • interval_15m

    • interval_30m

    • interval_1h

  • Metrics

    • count

    • sum

    • avg

Model API

Reading data

Model is subscriptable and data can be accessed similar to a dictionary.

body = page1['body']

Updating data

Updating data on a record can be done using update method, which have similar API as Collection’s create method.

page1.update({'body': 'new body text'})

Deleting record

To delete a record, you can call the delete method.


BLOB management

As BLOBs are not stored in the main data storage, but rather in a separate blobstorage, manipulating BLOBs are done usine a separate API.

Saving BLOB

To save a BLOB into a model, the API would be:

import os
import mimetypes
file_path = '/path/to/file'

# in a view, you likely can get these information from
# the request itself
stat = os.stat(file_path)
filename = os.path.basename(file_path)
mt = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)

with open('file','b') as f:
   page1.put_blob('attachment', f,
                   mimetype=mt[0], size=stat.st_size)

If you are in a view, and file is uploaded as multipart/form-data, you can get mimetype and file object using following example:

# assuming file is uploaded as ``upload`` field

@App.json(model=Page, name='upload-attachment', request_method='POST')
def view(context, request):
    upload = request.POST.get('upload')

    filename = os.path.basename(upload.filename)
    mimetype = upload.type
    fileobj = upload.file

    context.put_blob('attachment', fileobj, filename=filename, mimetype=mimetype)
    return {"status": "ok"}

Reading BLOB

Saved BLOBs can be read using:

blob = page1.get_blob('attachment')

with blob.open() as f:
    data = f.read()

You can also return a BLOB as a streaming response in a view

@App.view(model=Page, name='get-attachment')
def get_blob(context, request):
    blob = context.get_blob('attachment')
    return request.get_response(blob)

Deleting BLOBs

To delete BLOBs, you can use:


Accessing state machine

If your model have a state machine registered with it, you can get the state machine object using statemachine method.

# get state machine
sm = page1.statemachine()
# trigger ``approve`` transition

To learn more about state machine object, you can refer to PyTransitions documentation as the state machine is built using it.